Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lesson 05!


① たべます » たべたい
-- To eat » want to eat

② I want to go to Japanese restaurant to eat sushi.
-- わたしは日本料理のレストランへ寿司を食べに行きたいです。

③ です = であります
-- Just in case if you're taking JLPT.

④ There are 3 groups of verbs so they are to be changed differently in different situations.

Group 1 mainly consists of verbs that end with consonant. For example: かき kaki

So, its plain/casual form will be: かく

So the last hiragana, き will be changed to the う line and become く.

Group 2 mainly consists of verbs that end with a vowel. But not all verbs that end with the "i" are in this group. Sensei said that we can only memorise where which one goes.. T_T

For example: たべ tabe

So, its plain/casual form will be: たべる

Just add a る will do.

Group 3 consists of irregular verbs and they are きます and します。

きます » くる

します » する

Just move them to the う line and add る, so you can say Group 3 is a combination of Group 1 and Group 2. XD

For verbs that come from nouns, they are in this group as well, like: べんきょうします

べんきょうします » べんきょうする
