Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lesson 01!








Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lesson 10, 11 and 12!!


Well, I didn't go for lesson on the 4th of May because my English Teaching course was shifted to Tuesday for that time. But the lesson that I missed was only the revision and practise of the last lesson~

Then I didn't blog last week because I was tired XD We learnt about another 3 ways to say "because"~

① …て、…

♫ Change the "reason" into て-form.
♫♫ Use this form of "because" when the things are happening in sequence.

e.g. ニュースを聞いて、びっくりしました。
-- Because I heard the news, I was surprised.

You CANNOT use it like this:
e.g. 友達が来て、掃除します。
Because it will become like you will clean your room when your friend has arrived at your room, lol~

② …ので、…

♫ Change the "reason" into the plain form.
♫ For い-adj, just use it as it is.
♫ For な-adj and Nouns, just add な before ので.
♫♫ The use of this form of "because" is for general use.

e.g.1. 暇なので、明日映画を見ようと思います。
-- Because I'm free, I intend to watch a movie tomorrow.

e.g.2. 友達が来るので、私は部屋を掃除します。
-- Because my friend will come, I will clean my room.

③ …ために、…

♫ Change the "reason" into plain form.
♫ For Nouns, just add の before ために.
♫♫ The use of this form of "because" is usually for bad things.

e.g. ひどい風のために、木が倒れました。
Because of the severe wind, the trees fell.

So for today, Lesson 12, we learnt the 3 uses of "ように"!

① "A ように、B."

♪ In order to achieve A, I must B
♪ I must B so that I can A.
♫ Use the plain form before ように.

e.g. 日本語がよく話せるように、毎日勉強します。
In order to speak Japanese well, I will study everyday.

② To develop a habit

e.g. 子供の時、私の母は『雨の日に出かけないようにしなさい』といつも言いました。
► "しなさい" can be changed into "してください" too.
-- When I was young, my mother always told me not to go out on rainy days.

③ Developed a habit

e.g. 静かな彼は笑えるようになりました。
-- He who is quiet had become able to laugh.

And yup~~ 今日はここまでです~!♥ See ya next week~!
( ^_^)/*\(^_^ )


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lesson 08 and 09!!


Last lesson was only revision and reinforcing Lesson 34~

Today, we started Lesson 35~! We learned 4 things!

① "Word stem + ながら" = ..while..

Verb A = 飲みます Drink
Verb B = 話します Chat

I drink tea while chatting with my friend.

② たり = many nouns/adjectives/verbs in no sequence

-- All words to be used with たり have to be in た-form.
-- It usually has a meaning of "etc".
-- Remember to write the します and です at the end.

E.g.1. 土曜日、私は洗濯したり、本を読んだり、テレビを見たりします。
On Saturday, I wash clothes, read a book, watch television.

E.g.2. この部屋はきれいだったり、広かったり、安かったりです。
This room is clean, big, cheap.

③ "Plain form + し" = many reasons

Reason 1: It's raining.
Reason 2: There's no time.
Result: Go by a cab.

It's raining and there's no time, I will go by a cab.

④ みたい = like

E.g.1. 雪みたい花。
A flower that is like snow.
Here, みたい works like a な-adj.

E.g.2. 花が木から雪みたい散ります。
The flowers will fall from the trees like snow.
Here, みたい works like an adverb.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lesson 07!


Oooooo we learned a lot!! But I'll have to edit this post tomorrow~~ XD


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lesson 06!



Have to write half a page of composition with the theme of "Dream" for homework to be passed up next week.. OMG!! T_T




Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lesson 05!


Just a revision of last lesson.. nothing much.. There are some example sentences though~ I'm too tired to put them here today, I'll put them here when I have recovered~~ XD


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lesson 04!


Basically, we did the remaining of Lesson 32 of the textbook~ Then after 9:30pm, we finally moved on to Lesson 33!! It's the kind of CASUAL FORM you'd hear in anime!! Hohoho~~

It sounds rough of course, girls in Japan don't usually use this form, only boys and rough girls [like me] use them, haha~ This form is used for "ordering" people around, called Imperative form. For example, when the boss orders you to do something, or when someone is angry with you, etc. Be very careful when using these because Japanese are very very particular about manners and status [even if you're only one year younger than the person, you have to be polite].

Positive form
Group ①

Change from the う line to the え line
書く ⇒ 書け = Write!
帰る ⇒ 帰れ = Go back!
言う ⇒ 言え = Say!
読む ⇒ 読め = Read!

Group ②
Change from る to ろ
食べる ⇒ 食べろ = Eat!
見る ⇒ 見ろ = Look!
考える ⇒ 考えろ = Think!
止める ⇒ 止めろ = Stop!

Group ③
する ⇒ しろ = Do!
くる ⇒ こい = Come!

Negative form
Group ①②③

Just add a な to the dictionary form
書く ⇒ 書くな = Don't write!
食べる ⇒ 食べるな = Don't eat!
する ⇒ するな = Don't do!
くる ⇒ くるな = Don't come!

There are usually 4 situations where you use this form:

Ⅰ When the father scolds his children

Ⅱ When boys are talking to each other [they usually add よ at the end to make the tone softer, coz you don't order your friends around, do you?!]

Ⅲ When cheering your sports team on, etc

Ⅳ When emergency occurs

Instead of ください use くれ
The more shortcut and casual way of saying please is to replace ください with くれ. Again, girls shouldn't be heard saying this, but then again, who cares in the context of the here and now? XD Boys and girls are the same!!!!!!!!! XD

Polite ⇒ Casual ⇒ Commonly used for both genders
ちょっと待ってください ⇒ ちょっと待ってくれ ⇒ ちょっと待って
助けてください ⇒ 助けてくれ ⇒ 助けて

So yeah, so many forms, but girls cannot use?! Then how do girls order people about? Don't worry, girls use the following!

書きます ⇒ 書きなさい = Please write!
食べます ⇒ 食べなさい = Please eat!
勉強します ⇒ 勉強しなさい = Please study!
来ます ⇒ 来なさい = Please come!

As you can see, just add なさい to the word stem and you're good to go and scold your naughty child. LOL.. On the other hand, to tell them NOT to do stuff, it's:

書きます ⇒ 書きなさるな = Please don't write!
食べます ⇒ 食べなさるな = Please don't eat!
勉強します ⇒ 勉強しなさるな = Please don't study!
きます ⇒ きなさるな = Please don't come!

今日はここまでです!役に立ちますか。XD じゃ、また来週ね!^_~


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lesson 03!


Today, we learn about the casual form of "ましょう". And also "つもり".

Group ①
Change the "う" line ⇒ "おう"
出します ⇒ 出す ⇒ 出そう
帰ります ⇒ 帰る ⇒ 帰ろう
待ちます ⇒ 待つ ⇒ 待とう
行きます ⇒ 行く ⇒ 行こう

Group ②
Just add "よう" to the stem
食べます ⇒ 食べよう
見ます ⇒ 見よう

Group ③
勉強します ⇒ 勉強しよう
来(き)ます ⇒ 来(こ)よう

Usage ①: To invite.
Shall we go for a stroll?

Usage ②: To propose to do something.
This room is dark, shall I switch on the lights?

Other examples:

Mr Tanaka is coming soon, shall we wait for him for a little while more?

I intend to live in Japan, but I'll be in trouble if I cannot speak Japanese.

If I study Japanese, I may be able to go to Japan but I don't have the intention to do so.

After I discussed with my friend, I decided on the day we go to Japan.

I intend to go to America in June this year, therefore, I will save money little by little by May.

To use with "思います"
I intend to live in Japan.
This sentence is more sure on your intention than the following:

I think I will live in Japan.
This sentence is more unsure on your intention than the above.

つもり: Intention or plan.
I have the intention to live in Japan.
I intend to live in Japan.

I don't have the intention to live in Japan.
I don't intend to live in Japan.

Their difference is the emphasis.

わからないところがあったら、私に聞いてもいいですよ~!╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lesson 01 and 02!!


This week's lesson was the revision of last week's lesson which I didn't write about~

We learn about the other 2 "IF"s: Ba and Nara~

Group ① = 行く = 行けば
Group ② = 食べる = 食べれば
Group ③ = する and 来[く]る = すれば and 来[く]れば
i-adj [including ない and たい] = 易しい = 易しければ
na-adj and nouns = 綺麗 and ペン = 綺麗なら and ペンなら

There are 4 "IF"s: To, Tara, Ba and Nara

① と = Use when the consequence is natural and/or predictable.
e.g. 春になると花が咲きます。
When it becomes spring, flowers will bloom.

② たら = Use when it's your own request and/or intention. Or use when there's a consequence after the action is completed.
e.g. きむらさんに会えれば『おめでとうございます』と言いたいです。
If I can meet Mr Kimura, I want to say congratulations to him.
e.g. 駅に着いたら電話をかけてください。
When you reach the station, please call me.

③ ば = Use when the consequence is a universal known truth and/or reoccurring
e.g. 春が来れば花が咲きます。
If spring comes, flowers will bloom.

④ なら = Use when there's consequence of the action. Or use when you want to emphasise the particle "は".
e.g. みんな行くなら私も行きます。
If everybody is going, I will go too.
e.g. 明日ならうちにいます。
I will be at home tomorrow. [But maybe other days, I won't be at home]

The difference between "そうすれば" and "それなら"

To use そうすれば, you must have an action then a consequence. Like in the following example conversation.

A: 田中さんの電話番号は何番ですか。
B: 受付さんに聞いてください。そうすれば電話番号を知ります。

A: What is Mr Tanaka's telephone number?
B: Please ask the receptionist. If you do so, you will know the telephone number.

To use それなら, it's easier as it is general.

A: これはこう使うことがわかります。
B: それなら、そうしてください。

A: I know that this is being used this way.
B: If so, please do it.

"The more .., the better."

Just change the adjective/verb to the "ba" or "nara" form then add the plain form behind it plus a "hodo" and then end it with "ii desu" or something else and you're done. ^_^

e.g. 試験が易しければ 易しいほどいいです。
The easier the test is, the better.

e.g. 勉強すれば するほど日本語が上手になります。
The more you study, the better your Japanese will become. [In this case, because "study" is a noun-verb, you don't need to repeat "benkyou" a second time, just "suru" will do]

I hope my explanations are good and easy to understand, but here's a website that may explain more in details~ Click:


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lesson 16!


テストをした!易しかったよ~Showing off じゃないよ~私は毎日ドラマやアニメを見ているから、テストが易しいと思える!JPOPも!あっ、雑誌も読んでいる!だからね!XD

