Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lesson 13!


Yay!! Understood more clearly about the honorific form!! I couldn't really grasp it last week, so I didn't write, lol~~ I will update those parts that I haven't wrote yet, soon XD

Just something rough here, I'll edit..

1. Boss/sensei/respectable person gives me a book = Sensei wa watashi ni hon wo kudasaimasu.

2. I give respectable person a book = Watashi wa sensei ni hon wo sashiagemasu.

3. I teach a kid/lower status person English = Watashi wa kodomo ni eigo wo oshiete yarimasu.

4. I give an apple to my friend/same level person = Watashi wa tomodachi ni ringo wo agemasu.

5. My friend/a kid give an apple to me = Tomodachi/kodomo wa watashi ni ringo wo kuremasu.

Yup, pray that I'll be free to edit and add a "flow" chart!
